Monday, October 04, 2010


Due to the overwhelming response to the first ever DSR Sale, I've been able to almost fully fund the next batch of releases. Also, I feel I should mention that the DETERGE cassette is sold out (though I believe malignant and RRR have copies). The HIERCHISS release has a few copies dwindling for the time being. TEAROOM TRADE and MURDEROUS VISION are about half gone...

So what's next? Well, life happens. I got laid off from my job, and I'm currently seeking employment. Obviously, since most of the funding for DSR releases comes out of my pocket, things might slow down in the future (hence the purpose of the sale) ... because of the possibility of a severe slowdown, I've decided to make this next batch a big one (incidentally, it's probably my favorite batch I've released thus far -- no offense to any artist I've ever released, of course) ... here goes:

GNAWED - Reek and Rot C20
ICHOROUS - Fleeting Glimpse C20
DISGUST - Where Angels Fear to Tread C36
ABNEGATE - Vassalage C20

Tapes have been ordered, dubbing has started, and printing will be done this week. I hope to have all of the above releases out before the end of the month, possibly in the next week or two. Unemployment does have it's benefits, it seems.

I'll update again when the batch is done...

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